Growth Factors For Hair Growth in Pune, India

/Growth Factors For Hair Growth in Pune, India
Growth Factors For Hair Growth in Pune, India 2020-06-10T12:17:38+00:00

This procedure involves collecting a sample of the patient’s own blood into specially manufactured test tubes. The blood is then processed in these test tubes to separate out growth factors.

Growth factors are complexes present in our body that promote and stimulate cell growth, regeneration of new tissue and blood vessels and repair damage.

These growth factors are injected back into the scalp. With repeated sessions, patients are able to appreciate a reduction in hair fall and an increase in hair thickness over a period of a few months. The scalp begins to look fuller.

This procedure requires no anesthesia. The needle used to inject is a very fine needle that makes the procedure virtually painless.

Similar synthetically prepared growth factors are also available for those patients that donot want to give their own sample of blood.

The number of sessions needed and the time taken for response varies depending on the degree and type of hairfall.