Get Skin Like The Stars With The Hollywood Facial

//Get Skin Like The Stars With The Hollywood Facial

Get Skin Like The Stars With The Hollywood Facial

Meet the Hollywood Facial! The surest way to achieve glamorous glowing skin! Loved by your favourite Hollywood stars, it is a procedure that evens the skin tone and refreshes the skin — with no downtime at all!
Considered as a boon in modern dermatology, this wonderful procedure shows results right from the first session! So what is it?

What is the Hollywood Facial?
Although it is called a facial because of the glowing results it has on your skin, it is actually an advanced laser procedure. It is currently Hollywood’s most loved, most favourite and most sought-after laser procedure.
The Hollywood Facial is your go-to, all-in-one laser procedure. Whatever your skin complaints may be, there is nothing that the Hollywood Facial can’t do!
We use the Pico Laser for this procedure.

What is the Pico Laser?
The Pico Laser is an advanced laser mainly used for the treatment of pigmentation, tattoo removal and also for the Hollywood Facial. (Also known as the Hollywood Peel or the Carbon Peel)
The Pico Laser does not act in microseconds or milliseconds, but it acts in picoseconds. Hence, exposing the patient’s skin to the laser for a minimal time; thereby reducing pain and duration of treatment to a large extent.
The Pico Laser is also used in the treatment of acne scars and Melasma. It is a huge leap in technology for skin treatments.

How is the Hollywood Facial performed?
A carbon-based lotion is first applied to the skin directly. During the laser procedure, the carbon is blasted by a laser beam to scrub away dead skin cells, to free clogged-pores and stimulate collagen production.

Why should you get the Hollywood Facial?
The Hollywood Facial packs a hoard of benefits for your skin. Here are some of its advantages-:

  • It helps you achieve an even skin tone.
  • It stimulates collagen production; hence diminishing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • It reverses sun damage to the skin.
  • It combats acne in excessively oily skin. It also clears pores, hence preventing breakouts.
  • It evens out the pigmentation of the skin for fewer blemishes.
  • It grants you soft and smooth skin which has a healthy young glow.

Is it effective against acne?
The Hollywood Facial has been found to work wonders in doing away with acne. It considerably reduces the lesions and sebum production of the skin. Moreover, the procedure reduces the frequency of breakouts while stimulating the healing of lesions. It also helps in reducing acne scars.

How does it rejuvenate the skin?
The Hollywood Facial refreshes the deeper layers of the skin so that the surface exudes a cleansed glow. It reduces skin irritation and blasts away dead skin, expunging blackheads and reducing the size of pores. The Hollywood Facial’s unique ability to stimulate collagen production, results in a radiant skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

What role does the Hollywood Facial play in anti-aging?

  • The Hollywood Facial is a one-stop answer to all your skin woes.
  • It improves uneven pigmentation and smoothens the skin.
  • It stimulates collagen production and hence diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.

What are the advantages of the Hollywood Facial?

  • The biggest advantage of the Hollywood Facial is that it is quick and has absolutely no downtime.
  • It is a lunchtime procedure that takes a very short duration to perform.
  • Since it is completely painless, there is no need to use any topical anaesthetic which greatly reduces the duration of the procedure as well.
  • It is excellent for acne prone skin and scars.
  • It is suitable for all skin types, especially oily skin.

Need more reasons to have Hollywood Star like skin? The Hollywood Facial is the safest and most effective procedure for any skin type! Visit your Dermatologist to know more about the Hollywood Facial.
